Here are the steps on how to trade Stipend (SPD) on BTC-Alpha, a cryptocurrency exchange that allows trading both in crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto through a developed web-based platform.
To create an account, visit
Click on “Sign Up” or “Register” on the upper right part of the page.
Fill out the form, enter your desired email and password, and hit “Sign Up.”
To start using your account, you must first activate it.
To do this, access the email you used in signing up. Open the message from BTC-Alpha and click on the activation link that will direct you to BTC-Alpha login page.
Enter your login details and click on “Sign In.”
You should see “email successfully verified” at the green ribbon on top, and your username on the upper right-hand corner after signing in.
In the world of cryptocurrency, protecting your account is highly recommended. Securing your account means setting a Two-factor Authentication or what commonly known as 2FA.
Two-factor authentication aka 2FA or TFA is a higher level of protection to ensure that the real user is the one trying to gain access to his or her account. This also keeps your account inaccessible by the web thieves.
2FA is composed of 1. the account owner’s username and password and 2. a piece of information the account owner knows, has or is, which includes OTPs sent to your mobile phone, PINs, answers to “security questions,” or a biometric pattern of a fingerprint.
For cryptocurrency exchanges, the second factor is a code found in applications like Authy, Google Authenticator or can be received through SMS straight to the user’s mobile phone. We suggest you download the Google Authenticator app from Google Play or App Store for a more straightforward process and then go through the steps on this item.
To set 2FA on BTC-Alpha, go to your profile settings, select “Security,” go to “Two Factor Auth,” and click on “Enable Two-Factor Authentication.”
You will be reminded that you are about to take your account security to the next level. Click “Next.”
Open the Google Authenticator app on your phone and scan the QR code. After getting the 6-digit code from scanning, enter it on the “Token” box. Hit “Next.”
Take note of the 2FA code, for you need it when you need to do some modifications on your account.
You have just enabled your account’s Two-factor authentication. Click on “Back to Profile.”
Every time you log in to your account or perform other actions on it, you need your phone and the code, which means no one could ever access your account except you.
Now, you can fund your BTC-Alpha account.
Let’s start with depositing FIAT money into your account.
Go to “Finance” button in the dialog box under your e-mail address at the top-right corner. Locate USD or type it out on the search box. Select “Deposit.”
Select one of the systems provided in the BTC-Alpha Exchange Market (sign up beforehand) to deposit funds into your private account in the exchange market. Here, you have the options Advanced Cash, Perfect Money, and NixMoney. These are payment solutions platforms.
In box 1, enter the amount you wish to deposit and hit “Checkout” or “Next.” You can check out the fee, minimal deposit, and maximal deposit in box 2.
After depositing successfully, you can check out the transaction in box 3, or by going to the “History” button on the left side of the page.
After funding your account, you are now ready to buy and sell Stipend (SPD)s.
Let’s say you want to buy some DASC or DASCOIN.
Select “EXCHANGE” from the top bar. Search “dascoin,” and then click on the result.
Scroll down to see what the details are. You can check the amount on how much they are selling it in box 1. Next, you can change the price in box 2, and enter your desired balance in box 3. Hit “Buy” when you’re ready.
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