EXMO is a mid-sized (volume) UK-based crypto exchange founded in 2013 which offers users the opportunity to buy crypto with Fiat using several methods such as Debit/Credit cards, Skrill, Perfect Money, Bank wire among others.
To buy Tezos (XTZ) on EXMO exchange, these are the steps to follow.
1. Sign up on EXMO
2. Verify EXMO through email
3. Verify personal information (KYC) on EXMO
4. Deposit Fiat funds on your EXMO account
5. Exchange Fiat to crypto on EXMO
6. Trade Fiat to crypto on EXMO
The first thing you need to do in order to buy Tezos (XTZ) on EXMO is to create an account. To create an account on EXMO, click on the button below and follow the instructions.
This is a fairly easy process. To initiate this process, you’ll need to click the “Sign up” button on the homepage.
After you click the button above, you’ll need to fill in the Signup form containing details such as a username (you’ll pick this yourself), your email and new password.
Email verification is the next step. You’ll receive an email shortly after filling the signup form with a unique link you’ll be expected to click to verify your email.
Before you’re allowed to deposit funds (Fiat) on EXMO, you’ll need to submit your personal information including bio-data (such as full legal name, sex, nationality etc.) and address, as well as including proof of both bio-data and address.
To start this process, you’ll need to click the top right button where your username is. It’ll then bring a drop-down menu with the “Account verification” option.
FIll the form with accurate data and submit. Once the process of verification is completed, you’ll be contacted via email as well as on-site when you log in next.
Depositing Fiat on an EXMO account is the next step to buying Tezos (XTZ) on the exchange.
Simply select “switch to finances” on the drop-down menu that’ll appear when you hover around the right top side of your screen.
Please note that completing the verification is an important step as it’ll open up all deposit options.
Deposit methods include Debit/Credit card, Skrill, Wire transfer, Neteller and many others.
When you select a deposit method option, you’ll be given specific instructions on how to successfully deposit funds.
The last step to buying Tezos (XTZ) is to exchange the deposited (fiat) funds into crypto. Thankfully, EXMO has simplified this process so all you need to do is click the “Exchange” button and you’ll type in the exact amount you wish to exchange. It’ll display the equivalent crypto’s worth and you’ll swap your fiat for crypto
An alternative to exchanging from fiat to crypto, as shown above, is to trade it. So one will either take the price set by orders (taker-trade) so set a lower price bid hoping for its execution should prices meet your bid.
When it comes to security, it is always important to secure your account with 2FA (two-factor authorization) using Google Authenticator application.
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