Ultimate guide on how to transfer
Crypto.com (MCO) from KuCoin to Bithumb

Step by step overview on how to withdraw Crypto.com (MCO) from KuCoin

Withdrawing funds from your KuCoin account is very straight-forward. However, prior to making deposit and withdrawal transactions, you have to go through Security and KYC verification processes to ensure your safety.

Here, you will find steps that you can follow in withdrawing funds from KuCoin account.

Click this to access the platform.

Once the site is up, log-in with your registered account.

Use the email address and password you’ve registered for KuCoin and click on “Log in.”

After logging in, you will be routed automatically to the “Assets” page.

Inside the “Assets” page, select your Crypto.com (MCO) or if it’s more convenient for you, type in your Crypto.com (MCO) on the Search bar. Click on “Withdrawal” in line with your selected Crypto.com (MCO) or directly click on the “Withdrawal” menu at the left side of the screen. We are using BTC in this example.

The Withdrawal form will ask you to enter your Crypto.com (MCO) address, the amount that you wish to withdraw, your security question (this was set up upon KuCoin registration), and finally, your Google 2FA six-digit verification code. It is highly recommended to double check your wallet address before completing each withdrawal transaction to avoid losing money.

Click on “Confirm” to continue.

“Withdrawal history” is readily available should you want to check your pending and or all processed deposits.

Perfect! You have successfully processed Crypto.com (MCO) withdrawal from your KuCoin account.

Step by step guide on how to deposit Crypto.com (MCO) on your Bithumb account

Bithumb only accepts Fiat currency (KRW) deposits from Korean residents. Other users have the option to deposit cryptocurrency like Crypto.com (MCO).

Here’s a practical guide on how to deposit Crypto.com (MCO) on your Bithumb account:

Head to https://www.bithumb.com and log in to your account using the email and password you used upon registering, and then click on “Sign In.”

Enter the security password you used when you signed up then click “Confirm.”

From the homepage, select the “Wallet” tab at the top and choose “Deposit.”

Or click on “Deposit/Charge” at the upper right side of the page. Always double check the address that you’re using in processing deposits as processed transactions can no longer be reverted and could cause you to lose funds.

You can check your transaction history at the bottom of the page at the “History” Section or by clicking on the “Pending Order” and “Completed Orders” buttons at the bottom of the vertical tab on the right side.

Congratulations! You have funded Crypto.com (MCO) on your Bithumb account and you are now ready to trade. 

Which Cryptocurrency do you want to buy, transfer or store?

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