In Bibox, only cryptocurrencies are allowed (no Fiat money).
We are going to teach you how to withdraw Ethereum from your Bibox account and here are the steps:
Open the Bibox website –
Log into your account by entering the email and password you registered.
Go to “Assets” located at the top bar beside your profile.
From the Assets page, go to the “Withdraw” section. Select your Ethereum and enter the required details such as the amount and the withdrawal address. Pay attention to the wallet address that you’re copying as processed Ethereum withdrawals can no longer be reverted. If you transact with the wrong one, you will lose your money permanently. Click the Withdraw Ethereum button to continue.
To check on the status of the withdrawal transaction that you just made, go to the “Withdrawal” section.
BitForex is one of the world’s leading exchange platforms that offers crypto-to-crypto transactions.
Below are the steps to guide you in depositing funds to your account:
Go to and log into your account.
Go to “My Assets” and click “Deposit.”
Select the currency you want to transfer funds to from the “Please choose a Token” drop-down box.
Next, copy the deposit address and paste it into your wallet. Always make sure to copy the correct address for completed transactions cannot be undone.
Check your deposit history at the bottom of the page.
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